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Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

(un)faithful (?)

hey hey bloggey wassup wassup wassuuuppp?
miss me? miss me? hehe. emmmh nggak jg yah kayanyaaaa. haha
maaf baru update lg setelah sekian lama. maklum saya miskin dan berkekurangan. (too much yah..)

well gue mau post ttg love life gue. maaf kalo kalian bosen liat dan baca post gue yg isinya curcol melulu. tp blog satu-satunya tempat gue mencurahkan isi hati dan jadi diri gue sendiri.

pernahkah kalian merasa jatuh cinta pada dua orang? dan berharap bisa mendapatkan keduanya?
disatu sisi lo ga bisa ninggalin dia karena hubungan yg terjalin sekian lama dan lo udah terlalu sayang sama dia. but in the other side, you felt so much love and passion like you never felt before with the other guy.
i dare you ever felt this way like i do.

ga usah munafik.
lo sayang pacar lo tapi pengen ngerasain jalan brg dia.


gue tau banget gimana rasanya.

susah bgt buat milih.
but wake up, girls! you're living in a real world.
lo ga bisa seenaknya nyakitin orang, hidup penuh pilihan sulit, tapi lo tetep harus milih.

if i have two hearts in my own, it might be something easy for me.

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010


" people can be happy or not is depends on their wants "
- abraham lincoln

theme song of the week

heeeeyyyy readers, hehe. liat dari postingan gue dibawah. beberapa hari ini gue jadi sering bgt ngedengerin lagu lagu mellow dan berteriak, "GILA! GUE BANGEEEETTT!" haha (kaya tagline apaaaa gitu) hehe. these are my favourite songs of the week :

1. Sheila On 7 - Waktu Yang Tepat Untuk Berpisah
(sebenernya bukan "gue banget" lagunya, tp kalo denger ini jadi inget mr F)
2. Dewa 19 - Risalah hati
3. Rihanna Ft Neyo - Hate That I Love You
4. Neyo - So Sick
5. The Cardigans - Love Fool
6. D'Masiv - Cinta Ini Membunuhku
7. The Ataris - Bad Case Of Broken Heart
8. Ten 2 Five - You
9. Lenny Kravitz - I'll Be Waiting
10. Beyonce Knowles - Broken-hearted Girl

see? thats why i call it a BANG for my feelings right now and then yelling,

:'( :'(

hellooooo readers, pasti kalian bertanya tanya kenapa judul postingan gue emote sedih? (ga juga lah yaaa haha) well well, udah pasti perasaan gue kaya gitu..

ya, sedih!


cuma satu orang yang bikin gue gila dan sedih kaya orang stress gini. ya, dia. si mr F -ku itu (kalo kamu baca maaf ada -ku nya. huhu). (lagi lagi) dia bikin gue sedih lg, nangis lg. he's throwing hopes and dreams to me and then he blow it out. TERRIFIC!
you say all that shit to me. but when i told it to you, you answered "i try to be nice, and you say is a hope?". IS THAT THE WAY YOU SAY NICE? good job boy! you called me baby, you say is a nice attitude? you said you'll be my boy friend someday, you say it not a hope? so what is our **** means??? a nice attitude too?

i dont want to being rude, babe. but now you're really piss me off! but one thing you should know.. I STILL LOVE YOU until i wrote this blog! but you're never changing. you always do the same thing like 2 years ago. and unfotunately, i keep on fall in the same hole twice. :'( :'(
just so you know, i'm never regret everything in my life with you. you know, no matter how much you hurt me, i will always.. i will always fall in love (again) with you. but all i need is you to understand. if you know you you'll never love me, then never ever.. gimme a lil hope. even a little. cause it will be so damn hurt me.

sorry once again. love you ♥