Rabu, 21 September 2011
New Home Boy *mhihihi
his name is Rizal. yup. and i will tell you how we met.
yeaaaa... i knew him from my friend, @algifenazha who introduce me to him. one day i went top one of mall met my friend and there he is. that day he wore a black tees an blue jeans with simple sneakers. and you know what was kewl that day? he wore a grey knitted hat. hehe.
my first impression? 'wangiiiiii...' and he's quite nice to someone that new for him. he asked me without doubt. felt interested with me, my life. and it was cute.
and until the time to went home, he asked me do i wanna go home with him. and i said yes :)
after that day, we didnt text each other. until he tweeted me one day and asked me to go to fast food rest. and we went there.
after went to that rest, he took me home. he stayed for a while for having a lil chat with me.
and it happens. yeah. that thing.
a kiss.
i dont even know what was on my mind that time. he made all my butterflies wilder.
im losing my mind. yes. it must be.
and from that moment, he officially mine. my new home boy. thanks thanks thanks. it's been two months already. and i wish it wont stop.
Love you, Batman :)
Senin, 19 September 2011
i'm kinda busy with my new things like; New Office, New Classes, New Boyfriend *YES. It's fresh from the oven!* and so on!
yeah, a si tell you before that i have new office, nah.. it doesnt mean im not a teacher again, but, im moving to other branch. its a new one, Raffles. my partners are Ms Dina and Ms Ayu. theyre good. really nice. :)
and i have three classes now. it's Toddler Potato, Pre K Lettuce and Pre K Broccoli. oh. my. God! theyre sooooo adorabley! i love 'em a lot! hopefully they grow good later at the end of the school year!
and, yeah. there's a new one. a new guy. not the guy that i always posted here before. he's a guy that could make laugh and smile without any reason. his name is Mochammad Rizal a.k.a Rizal, Ciptun, Ical or.. Batman.
yep. from now on he's my new home boy. uh-oh! welcome to my world! :) :) :)
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
ZOE; What is exactly we're going to do. XD
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
You. *AGAIN??!*
Yak, i'm Galau! G A L A U! and once more lets give a standing ovation to him! Someone who i always cry of, laugh of even crazy of. Gah! i do really wish could go off fr you. but could i? Hell no!
wish there's something --or someone-- that could make me forget him. haha!
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
..and don't forget to being my fan on lookbook.nu. You can click it here :)
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Quiz. Quiz. Quiz
If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else right now, do you think they would be mad?
Not really. I think.
Can you read other people’s expressions?
Do you give out second chances?
Are you in any type of gang?
Do you think extensions look fake?
What would you do if your parents walked in on you having sex with the last person you kissed?
Who knows your biggest secrets?
Is love worth fighting for?
What would you do if your ex broke down and told you he loved you?
"Do I know you?"
People who can always calm you down?
Do you think a lot of people think/talk bad about you?
How was today?
Your ex is at your front door! What do you do?
Who was your last text from?
Last person you hugged?
When did you last straighten your hair?
Do you know anyone who should not wear tight clothes?
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
i always think and i have to think that i am happy.
Today, would you rather go forward a week or back a week?
Just live my life normally. Let it flow, fellas.
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
Depends. i love my home base, but sometimes we need some refreshments, right?
If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Massage. I am soooooo tired.
Who, out of all your friends, do you trust the most?
Allah :)
Think back to your last kiss; looking back now, was it a mistake?
Uhm.. no. Hopefully.
If you could only drink one thing for a month, what would it be?
hundreds litre of Mineral Water. LOL x))
Honestly, what is your opinion of your last ex?
*skip it, please?*
If you had a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
Prague!! or.. Italy! or.. France! Or.. Or.. :))
Honestly; are you trustworthy?
Of course! :)
Who’s the last person you had a serious conversation with?
My Momma.
Which friend do you miss right now?
My High School's friends.
Where’s your favorite place to get ice cream from?
Sour Sally :9
Who did you hang out with last?
My momma.
What is your biggest mistake this year?
If you could go back and redo things with your last ex, would you?
Would you stop asking about my Ex??
Your friend hooks up with the last person you kissed..what now?
*Uhmm.. Skips ahead*
Do you like waking up and having new text messages?
Yes! :)
Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?
Were you single on your last birthday?
2 years ago
Do you think high school relationships can last?
Who was the last person you talked to in person today?
My momma.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on you?
So, the person you like, their name starts with an M doesnt it?
uhm. Yes.
Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced?
What for?
Who was the last person you told “I love you” to?
My F :) :) :)
How are you feeling?
Do you have feelings for anyone?
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
I don't know.
Are you excited for anything?
Are you 100% single?
Unfortunately, yes.
Are you a clumsy person?
Haha, yeaaaaa....
Do you wear make up?
Sometimes. When i need to.
First place you went this morning?
When was the last time you really laughed?
Were you dating anyone in December?
Are you happy right now?
Sort of.
Do you sleep on your stomach?
Will this weekend be a good one?
I will always believe that it would be good everyday :)
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
And last but not least, da teachers took some photos also xP
We had soooooo mucho fun!! And i'm really glad to have this family.. This is the best job i ever had :)
100 Truths about you
Rules: Once you saw it, you are supposed to write a post with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged/shared. You have to tag/share the person who tagged/shared it you. Tagged/shared means "I'm interested in knowing what are your 100 truths".
1. Real name: Rechy Andani Larasati
2. Nickname(s): Actually i have a lot of nicknames like; Ara, Echy, Ayas, Laras. Just Choose xD
3. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
4. Male or female: female. Lemme see.. *...* Okay. I'm a female.
5. Elementary School: SDN Sukamaju IX
6. High School: Junior High: SMPN 1 Depok, Senior High: Putra Bangsa Senior High School
8. Hair color: black
9. Tall or short: more than 165 cm i think..........
11. Sweats or Jeans: Uhmm.. Jeans.
12. Phone or Camera: I think Canon EOS 550D enough xD
13. Health freak: Not really. I have a grrrreat imun system.
14. Orange or Apple: Why there's no grape or berries in this option?!
15. Do you have a crush on someone? Yup. Yes. Of course.
16. Eat or Drink: Uhm.. I can live without eat.. Soh, Drink.
17. Piercings: What the ..?! Def No!!
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coca Cola Zero!
19. Been in an airplane: yup. When i was a baby. :P
20. Been in a relationship: yes
21. Been in a car accident: no. And i hope it won't happen to me.
22. Been in a fist fight: No
23. First piercing: Def NOOOOO
24. First best friend: Resti Larasati. Since we were in Kinder :D
25. First award: Uhm.. I've got the 4th rank on basketball tournament.. When i was Kinder :P
26. First crush: My first crush when i was in Kinder and his name is Danu. *okay.. secret revealed!!* LOL
27. First word: Not a words actually. Maybe it sounds like a cry. *ya think?!*
29. Last person you talked to in person: My sister
30. Last person you texted: Ajeng
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My bestfriend, Komara Ramadhonny Wiraharja. And it's been a while.
32. Last food you ate: Ice cream!!
33. Last movie you watched: Despicable Me on DVD
34. Last song you listen to: Give It All - He Is We
35. Last thing you bought: One scoop of ice cream :P
36. Last person you hugged: Vanda. Because she was crying this afternoon :P
37. Food: Sushi. Suki. Pasta.
38. Drinks: Coke. Lemonade
39. Bottoms: Jeans. i'm a jeans loveeeerrrr :P
40. Flower: White roses, White lily, Daisy. All the white flowers
41. Animal: Hamster, Dog, Cat
42. Colors: Purple. Green. Yellow. and i like pink lately :P
43. Movies: Romantic Comedy, Sci-fi
44. Subjects: English, PE, Chemistry, Biology.
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45.[X] fell in love with someone
46.[ ] celebrated Halloween
47.[x] had your heart broken
48.[X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
49.[ ] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51.[ ] got pregnant
52.[ ] drank too much
53.[] did something I regret
54.[x] broke a promise
55.[x] hid a secret *everyone needs to have at least one secret*
56.[x] pretended to be happy
57.[ ] met someone who changed your life
58.[x] pretended to be sick *lookin for an excuse when i was in senior hi :P*
59.[ ] left the country
60.[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
61.[x] cried over the silliest thing
62.[x] ran a mile *on my PE class and it SUCKS!*
63.[X] went to the beach with your best friend.
64.[x] got into an argument with your friends *we are different, ayt? A lil argument is normal*
65.[ ] hated someone
66.[] stayed single for 2 years
67. Eating: no
68 Drinking: no
69. Listening: Breathe - He Is We
70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: Watch some dvds to kill my time :P
72. Waiting: for the 100th question LOL :))
73. Want kids?? For the next 6 years? Yes.
74. Want to get married?? OF COURSE!! -____-
75. Career?? Well.. I love my current job right now. Hopefully it will last forever. #eaaaaa
76. Lips or eyes? eyes
77. Shorter or taller?? taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic. *I'm a normal ladies..*
81. Hook-up or relationship: *next*
82. Looks or personality: I'll see the look first, then personality *We can't know their personality from the first we met, ayt??*
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes. and i'm BLIND.
84. Snuck out of a house: No....
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: What question is this.. Next!
86. Killed somebody: *.....* *next*
87. Broken someone's heart: Never did it in purpose.
88. Been in love: Actually. Yes.
89. Cried when someone died: yes
90. Yourself: Def!
91. Miracles: God always do in His way.
92. Love at first sight: no. There's such a thing like that. There's only crush
93. Heaven: yes
94. Santa Clause: *next*
95. Sex on the first date: *skips ahead*
96. Kiss on the first date: Uhmmmmm.... *skips ahead*
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: now ? a BIG YES!
98. Do you know who your real friends are: yes
99. Do you believe in God: SURE I DO !
100. Post as 100 truths? YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! Finaleeeeeey :DD
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Random? Probably :p
10 things about yourself.
-have a short-term-memory-lost
-in love with manga
-big fan of He Is We, they're DOPE!!
-an easy-to-fall girl
-i hate rain, i hate to wear an umbrella
-def in love right now
-enjoying my job now
9 of your favorite songs
-Blame It On A Rain by He Is we
-I Wouldn't Mind by He Is We
-Breathe by He Is We
-Make You Feel My Love by Adele
-We Belong Together by Mariah Carey
-Love The Way You Lie by Eminem ft Rihanna
-What's My Name by Rihanna
-Emotion by Destiny's Child
-Rocketeer by Fareast Movement
8 things you love/like
-my phone
-ice cream
-shoes; heels, flats, pumps, wedges and all kind of shoes
7 ppl you're glad to have in this world
-partners at school
-the founder of twitter
-Dave Pelzer
6 things you dislike
-being cheated
-being hatred
-someone talk behind my back but couldn't say in front of me
5 things you wish you could say to FIVE different people right now
-i'm so in to you
-please, make our relationship clear.
-stop chasing me. we're already ended up
-your tweets def inspire me
-would you stop talking?
4 ways to win your heart.
-know me
-care to me
-be the way you are
-stop actin like a jerk
3 things you’ll most likely never forget
-the first time he kissed me
-his Polo Sport perfume
-when i graduate fr high school
2 things you do everyday
1 confession
"sorry for fall this way deep."
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
:) :)
--this is the most romantic scene ever. i repost it from dianarikasari.blogspot.com. :)--
Highschool Talk of The Day
Sam: I think I love you.
Quinn: Oh my God... are you proposing? We've known each other for 6 weeks. Stand up, you're freaking me out.
Sam: I want to marry you... someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring?
Quinn: What are you.. six?
Sam: If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you... to be true, to never pressure you to do anything more than kiss. To listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth.. or eye gunk. To come over to your house whenever you need something super heavy moved around. I promise to make you feel proud when you point down the hall and say, "that dudes my boyfriend".
(GLEE Season 2 Episode 8)
Minggu, 17 April 2011
ABC Kids preschool and kindergarten; My second home!
i love being here! i love those kiddos! i love to teach them! i have greeat peers, so please god, dont let this happen. i just want to be here. and i just wanna make my parents proud afterall. :)
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
greenie eenie meenie
Jumat, 11 Maret 2011
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
First Date
it was the date we're having First Date.
yup. a First Date.
it was unpredictable at all. monday evening he texted me and asked what will i do on tuesday?
and i said, 'im free, babe.'
with that simple answer he asked me what if we hang out somewhere tomorrow. and of course i said yes.
yes. it is a Date.
on my way to the most famous fast food restaurant, my heart beats so fast.
it beats so fast till i cant hear the beat.
it beats so fast till i can feel it wanna jump out from my mouth.
can you imagine?? IT'S A DATE!!
i'm so nervous till i become so self conscious. ahhh i felt so silly that day..
i know i might be insane. i know i might be silly.
it just like i never had a date before in my life. i really really fall in love with this guy till i cant control my self at all.
and here i am. finally arrived this fast food rest.
i waited him on the corner of this restaurant. waited patiently.
and you texted me, 'i'm on my way'. and i became more and more nervous! heart still pumpin so hard, my hands are shaking, and all the silly things!
then i saw you, through the door fastly. lookin for my table.
and when you saw me, youre waving you hand and sit next to me.
you ordered two cheeseburgers and two coke *yes. i still remember* , for me and for you. and then we chat, share all about life and thought.
you told me about the youth silliness of yours. share about your dream..
at this time i felt like in a time machine that warp all the time when i'm with you. seems like the time goes by so fast when we're together.. ah, i love this time warping when i'm with you..
it became late night and you decided to took me home.
you drove me home, and you still wanna chilled out with me.
we kept on talking.. and then you suddenly kissed me.
yeah, a smooth and sweet kiss. at that time i felt like flying. fly just like my butterflies inside my stomach. god damn it! i just wanna be like this forever.
and its time to him to go home. i really wanna keep him with me forever, but ha ha of course it cant be happen. he gave me a goodnight kiss. and then he went home.
after he went home, i just still cant believe it just happen. yeah, our first date. that kiss.
is it true, lord? or this is just a dream?
ah, god. tell him that i want him so bad. amen.
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
love this guy so much!
aaaaa.. i post this one with screaming. coz i'll give y'all a pic of my favorite singer. and you know what? he's so.. sooooo look a like Him. everytime i see @Guntursimbolon, i always remind of him.
aaaahhhh!!! *screamin again*